Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Murphy's Law for cloth dipes

All you cloth diaper users out there...
Have you ever noticed that after you have all the diapers nice and clean, and the diaper pail all emptied and smelling fresh...that is when your baby/toddler makes the biggest messiest poop??
It never ever fails in this household. Cause what do we want sitting the least amount of time? The icky poopy dipes.
Maybe it's just us!


Anonymous said...

See how much weight you lose when I go away? I need some of that to rub off on me. And yes I agree about diapers.

Anonymous said...

You can get your diapers nice and clean? Bella has acid pee, and nothing we do can help much. Stinky stinky stinky!

ps what cloth dipes do you use? we're using the trifold in bummis whisper wraps.